Mirai Action Fes in National Stadium 【Tokyo/Japan】

Mirai action fes News

Hello! I’m Takaharu Moriya from Honey Music School!

I had the honor of participating in the “Mirai Action Fest” held at the National Stadium on Sunday, March 24, 2024.

The event was attended by over 66,000 people on-site, with live streaming viewers totaling 503,000, making for a grand festival with approximately 570,000 participants in total. It was a privilege to be part of such a massive festival!👀

Despite the rehearsal stage being under the threat of rain, and the actual day seeing an increase in rainfall, it was a day marked by performances so powerful they even seemed to inspire the rain, and thoughts aimed at the future👍

Although I attended as an artist’s companion this time, it was a highly valuable experience for me. I hope that Honey Music School will produce artists and creators who can perform live or host events at the National Stadium someday✨

Honey Music School
Takaharu Moriya

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