A Collaborative Song by Students [Vocal/Myka]


Recording an Original Song

Recording Studio at Yokohama

Hello! This is Moriya from Honey Music School!

On Friday, September 20th, 2024, we held a vocal recording session at a studio in Yokohama!

This recording was part of a song project by Myka, a student at Honey Music School. Myka was responsible for both the lyrics and singing, while a student from our sister school, Next Lead Music School, handled the composition and arrangement.

Although Myka is still learning Japanese, she wrote beautiful lyrics! Great job, Myka!

I believe that if you feel “interested but not confident” or “afraid to try,” it’s better to take on the challenge. I hope this project was a positive experience for everyone involved!

Cultural Exchange Through Music

Students from Next Lead Music School and Honey Music School

I think everyone knew about each other before, but this was their first time meeting!

In the end, I believe this project allowed for a great cultural exchange through music. Thanks to everyone’s wonderful personalities, it was a relaxed and meaningful time. Projects like this can boost motivation, so I hope more people will join the next one!

We forgot to take a group photo, but one of the students shared some pictures they took! Thank you! Everyone looks so happy!

Taking on Vocal Direction!

The composer also tried their hand at vocal direction! It was challenging to manage the session with the limited time, but they did a fantastic job!

Tomo-sensei’s translation was brilliant as well, and it was an interesting scene with both English and Japanese flying around. I believe that in the future, this kind of situation will become more common in Japan.

I’m really looking forward to hearing the finished song!

Takaharu Moriya
Honey Music School

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