How to use chopsticks!!
Hi everyone! Today I will show you how to use “chopsticks”. Chopsticks are stick type eating utensils which is used in most of East Asian countries.
In Japan, we mostly use ceramic type or wooden type. So let’s learn and master how to use chopsticks so that you can enjoy eating our delicious Japanese food when you come to visit Japan!
How to hold chopsticks

Hold one chopstick like holding a pencil.
Make sure that your holding the thicker part and thinner part is facing.

Put your middle finger under the chopstick as a support.

Put your index finger at the top of chopstick and this finger will be the main controller when moving this chopsticks up and down.

Put your thumb on the top of the chopstick gently pressing the chopsticks and also cover the index finger a little.
These four steps was how to hold the upper chopstick. Now let’s move on to how to hold the lower chopstick.

Let’s insert the lower chopstick in between the middle and ring finger.
Make sure it comes at the side of the ring finger let it lie in between the nail and the skin of ring finger.

Hold the lower chopsticks by pressing the chopsticks from lower side by ring finger and the little finger. Little finger should be lightly attached to the ring finger.
So the upper chopsticks is controlled by 3 fingers, thumb, index finger and the middle finger, and lower chopsticks by 2 fingers, ring finger, and little finger.
Make sure to remember that upper chopsticks will be doing all the action,
And lower chopsticks should be fixed all the time.
Taboos when using chopsticks

There are a lot of taboos when using chopsticks.
Let me share some typical taboos when using chopsticks.
“Nigiri bashi”

Ignoring the formal way of using the chopstick and using the chopstick by grabbing like this (some Japanese talent use chopsticks like these though! lol )
“Neburi bashi”
Licking of sucking the food which is left on the chopstick. (I think this is also not a good manner when using the spoon and forks too.)
“Mayoi bashi”
Moving the chopstick back and forth for choosing what to eat next (but thanks for being indecisive about Japanese food!)
“Tate bashi”
Sticking the chopstick on the rice (we only use this tate bashi when we leave an offering to the deceased)
And more over!
Eating at the restaurant with chopsticks and learn easy table manner as well

Usually wooden(disposable) or ceramic type chopsticks is prepared at the restaurant in Japan. For this time, let’s learn how to eat with the wooden type.
If you want to sound more like Japanese, let’s try saying “Itadakimasu” (I appreciate to cook and everything that goes into preparing this meal), before eating so that you sound formal and more like Japanese.

Take out he chopsticks from paper bag, first this wooden type is sticked together,
so hold the upper and lower chopstick by each hand, and pull them apart vertically.

If there was no chopstick rest at the table, make one with the paper bag which chopsticks came in.
Fold it into three like this, and then fold again in half so that it will be shaped as a mountain.
Use this chopstick rest when you are not using them.

Remember how to hold chopstick from the former part of this video.
There’s no difference between holding ceramic and wooden type, but the wooden type may feel like more solid except it’s not slippery as the ceramic type.
Make sure to confirm the thicker and thinner part. (I sometime mess up too lol)
Thicker part goes on the top which you should be holding it fingers, and thinner part facing toward the food.

when you finish eating, put the chopsticks back in to the paper bag and fold the end one time, so that staff can recognize that they were used.
With putting your palms together again, say “Gochisosama deshita” (It means I’m finished and I appreciate to the cook and everyone that was involved in making this meal )

I hope you enjoyed leaning how to use chopsticks and easy table manners.
I hope you will learn these manners and enjoy the delicious food of Japan.

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