Discover Okinawa: A Journey Through Japan’s Premier Destinations

Japanese meal

From Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south, Japan is a country with significant variations in food culture, language, and music among its regions.

This time, I would like to take you on a journey through Naha, a popular tourist destination in Okinawa.

Let’s Start with a Walk on Kokusai Street

Kokusai street

A tour in Naha must begin with Kokusai Street, where you can shop for souvenirs.

Yatai village

I had meals in “Yatai Village” and “Noren Street,” enjoying unique Okinawan dishes such as island shallots and Awamori, making for a meaningful time.

The Deep Atmosphere of the Back Alleys

Local street

On the south side of Kokusai Street, there are many eateries and souvenir shops operated by locals. At night, the area becomes more vibrant, similar to the atmosphere in Thailand or Indonesia.


I had sashimi and sushi, which tasted fresher and different from the seafood in Hokkaido.

The Popular Churaumi Aquarium

Churaumi aquarium

Next, let’s venture beyond Naha City!

The Churaumi Aquarium is a popular destination for many tourists, bustling with students and families.

Having visited once on a school trip, I found that experiencing it as an adult offered a different perspective.


NameOkinawa Churaumi Aquarium(Churaumi Suizokukan)
Adress424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture, 905-0206, Japan
Business hoursOff season/8:30~18:30*Last admission 17:30
Peak season/8:30~20:00 *Last admission 19:00
*Peak season for this fiscal year (until 31/Mar/2024) has ended.
*The Peak

Don’t Miss the Popular Moyashi Soba

Coriander moyashi soba

Okinawa is also famous for its soba, which differs from the typical Japanese soba and tastes more like pho. I tried coriander moyashi soba at “Okinawa Soba Eibun.” The flavor transforms dramatically when you mix in the provided spices.

The restaurant is busy, so it’s a good idea to arrive early and put your name on the reservation list.


Shop nameEibun Okinawa Soba
Adress1-5-14 Tsuboya, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, 902-0065, Japan
Business hours11:00-16:00(While Supplies Last)

A Short Walk to Naha City Hall

Naha city hall

While most city halls in Japan look like office buildings, Naha City Hall has a unique atmosphere.

Various Accommodations

Rihga royal gran okinawa

There are various accommodations in Okinawa, not limited to hotels. It’s convenient that many hotels are located relatively close to Naha Airport.

This time, I stayed at “Rihga Royal Gran Okinawa.” I was satisfied not only with the quality of the room but also with the abundant amenities and the availability of WIFI.


NameRihga Royal Gran Okinawa
Adress1-9 Asahimachi, Naha, Okinawa, 900-0029, Japan
Access5 stops and 10 minutes by monorail from Naha Airport. Directly connected to the hotel via a pedestrian bridge from Asahibashi Station

The Compact Naha Airport

Okinawa airport

Naha Airport is a small and compact airport, making it unlikely to get lost. However, it can get quite crowded during peak seasons. My visit was in January, so there were fewer tourists and the journey went smoothly.

I hope this article helps you enjoy your trip to Japan!

【Okinawa’s Music】How to sing Shimanchu Nu Takara by Begin.

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